I highly encourage you to watch this video, (Is American in Trouble?/America's Most Pressing Need) by Ph.D David Miller, if you are interested in current politics and the origins/foundations of American life and politics.
Why is this important to psychology? Much of modern psychology is rooted in Humanistic Philosophy which has historically been anti-Christian or promotes ideologies that are diametrically opposed to the belief that man is created in the image of God. This in turn leads to the belief that mental illness is the product of some type of evolutionary mutation of genetics, instead of the fact that Adam and Eve's sin introduced genetic mutation to the human race which then caused mental and physical illnesses.
In the evolutionary view, a person is a genetic mutation and therefore we need to understand how to "tweak" the biology of humanity in order to achieve the maximum potential of evolution. In evolutionary belief based in Humanism, people are only biological blobs or a mass and disposable (think abortion).
In the creationist version, human beings are of immeasurable valuable regardless of genetic mutations, because humanity is descended from Adam and Eve who were created in Gods image, and God is in the process of restoring to humanity the image of God in Christ, that Adam and Eve lost.
The science of Psychology comes into play in the manner in which it functions and is implemented. Evolutionary Psychology is inherently amoral or subjectively moral, while Creationist Psychology is inherently moral within the confines of learning to love God, our neighbor, and our self. In other words, human beings are taught to develop interpersonal social skills, intra-personal social skills, and in seeking a relationship with God are empowered towards self actualization or finding ones purpose and destiny in this life.
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