
Friday, February 9, 2018

Cognitive Lies That Stifle Personal Growth

The Lie:
My worth is determined by my performance.
Your worth is found in Whose you are. Psalm
139:13-14; Romans 12:3
Rom 12:3 God has given me a special gift, and that is why I have something to say to each one of you. Don't think that you are better than you really are. You must see yourself just as you are. Decide what you are by the faith God has given each of us.
Learning Adler's Individual Psychology theory in school and this scripture is an example of the necessity of having a proper perception of self and reality. Adler contended that everyone has some elements of inferiority yet when it becomes debilitating and self-destructive then it prevents a person from seeing themselves, their relationships, and usefulness towards society in constructive ways. His theory advocates individual responsibility and ability to effect changes in an individuals life.
Paul is saying here that he is gifted by God to help educate and help those he is in relationship with. He also instructs them about not having a superiority complex, which Adler said was actually a cover for inferiority. Paul also tells the believers to see themselves as they are, i.e. have a proper perception of reality, which is neither inferior or superior to others but are a part of the society of believers in Christ, gifted by God to serve others with confidence. By telling them to decide who they are, he encourages them to take personal responsibility for their relationships, usefulness, and personal growth as a part of the community in Christ.

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