This morning I've been studying about the Psychology of Terrorism and based on 2004-2009 research, I think the psychologists I read came to the wrong conclusions. They approached the reasons for terrorism from mainly a sociological issue, which may have led to the infamous conclusion by government that terrorists were just disenfranchised and needed a job.
I think the issue is one based in faulty moral development in an environment of ideological and religious isolationism. It is the old "us versus them" "evil versus good" belief. In a terrorists mind they are good and the rest are evil. It's no different than when president Bush named some states an Axis of Evil.
Moral development and choices have a direct impact on psychological functioning. If one truly believes their cause is just and holy; if they believe they are serving God or a higher moral purpose, then murder is acceptable, suicide i.e. self-martyrdom is the pathway to eternal life.
The question of the hour is which moral ideology is correct and which will we ultimately subscribe to for daily living.
The three main religions are similar yet vastly different in moral development and views on the after life. The other major moral ideology is secularism or Humanism, which claims to be amoral or morally neutral, (another way of saying moral subjectiveity) yet betrays that claim by choosing who should and should not live in cases of abortion. Additionaly,they make moral choices all the time in terms of how we should live our lives in relationship to fellow human beings.
Don't misunderstand this writing, this is not about the ten commandments. There have been millions through out history who have subscribed to the ten commandments yet never obey. Israel is a prime example and it led to their captivity to Babylon. This is about absolute love verse absolute hate. It's about absolute value for human life or absolute disdain for human life. The moral ideology we choose we determine our attitudes and behaviors toward human beings including the unborn, infants, elderly and those of other beliefs.
I hear the voice of Elijah, calling to this generation saying, "Choose you this day whom you will serve."
I also hear the voice of Jesus saying, "By this shall all men know that the I have been sent by God. If you have love one for another."
I also hear the voice of Jesus saying, "By this shall all men know that the I have been sent by God. If you have love one for another."
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