
Friday, February 2, 2018

Missing Posts

If you are wondering what happened to the posts from 2016 and 2017, unfortunately I had to delete them all. Most of them were my school papers which dealt with various aspects of social issues, personality issues, and psychological issues. I thought I was being frugal in my time management by using my school work for my posts here and elsewhere. I thought I understood the rules from school for posting on social media. The rules were to not post to any sight that was somthing akin to a wherehouse or selling house for college papers. I thought I was okay, but apparently a student from my school stole one of my papers and turned it in as written; only exchanging my name with their name. Every paper is required to be turned into for plagerism checks and the paper that I wrote and was stolen was flagged. I received a letter from the school and after numerous calls, a few anxiety medications, and frantically deleteing all of my work from this sight, facebook, my website, and Santa's list, I was safe!

On a brighter note: I think the student thief received an A before getting caught! LoL

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