
Monday, February 26, 2018

Social Issues Today: Female/Male Equality or Master Race?

Our textbook states that Feminist Therapy is more of a philosophy than a therapeutic construct. Steeped in feminist philosophy, one wonders if this is an attempt to heal the legitimate wounds of women or an indoctrination to create women who are so antagonistic towards men that they create more relational issues than they solve. Why does the ACA even condone such an obviously biased therapeutic technique that imposes its values (very political ones at that) upon clients?

in one lecture I listened to, the professor share than those subscribing to feminist theory believe that the DSM 5 is political and indicative of male privilege.

Today I learned that the person who conceptualized the theory of male and white privilege was an avowed feminist and that the move towards neutralizing gender identities is predominantly as a result of her paper. A paper that has absolutely no scientific empirical evidence at all!
It reminds me of Hitlers Nazi organization that singled out a certain segment of the population for second-class citizenry and destruction, and to promulgate the unscientific notion of a master race. 

My ex-wife used to read the Cosmopolitan magazine before we met and dated. She said (after we were married and she told me this) that she used to read that magazine and believed everything it said. I've never read it but after she told me this I started looking at the headlines on the cover while at the store. Almost every headline was about how to control a man, use sex to manipulate a man, how to act like a narcissistic man etc etc.

While we dated she was the model pastors wife-to-be, which is one reason I liked her. But within one week of marriage, she became the most antagonistic and argumentative human being I had ever met. She had a compulsion to have everything her way or no way. I mean, one time we argued for three hours over whether the toilet paper should be up or down. It wasn't an argument really, she spent three hours trying to get me to promise to have the toilet paper up. I refused such infantile requests, mainly because it was not a request for accommodation but an effort to practice just what she had read in that magazine.

I finally became so frustrated that I said, "We are going to wipe our ass and flush it down the commode if you prefer I can wipe my butt and put the toilet paper back on top! That ended the argument but sadly I knew in my heart that that marriage was doomed.

I only share my story because I have talked to many men who have had similar experiences and it makes me wonder how much has feminist theory destroyed relationship rather than encourage them. Have feminists become the very thing they despised and tried to free themselves from? If they are trying to teach men a lesson here's a News Flash; It's Worked! Now many men are as pissed off as feminists were 50 years ago.

White and Male Privilege? 

It does not exist, except in the mind of an angry theorist operating from a basis of logical fallacies. Here is one such fallacy:
"Because I can prove that things are bad for my gender, I have proven that things for the opposite gender, are good." 

Recent UK statistics (Office for National Statistics, National Records of Scotland, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, 2013) completely debunk that false argument. Men are 1.5 to 2 times more likely to be homeless (let's remember that a lot of male homelessness goes unreported), men are 21 times more likely to be killed on the job than women. One interesting statistic is concerning domestic violence. Co-habitating, single, separated, and divorced women are more likely to be abused, except in one category and that would be marriage. 3.4 percent of women are abused in marriage but 2.3 percent of males are abused in marriage; essentially equal. The point of that stat is not to justify male abuse, but that in all categories men were abused also, in fact, almost 9 percent of separated men were abused by the woman. Another point of these stats is to debunk the notion that men "have it easy" in this life and in particular to debunk the notion that being white and male is paramount to having a free ride in this life.

Another fallacy is to presume that all males are misogynists while ignoring the fact that some of their arguments blatantly promote misandry.

I offer this word of wisdom; they should learn a lesson from their own history; you can only act in a domineering way towards people or groups only so long before they fight back, and when men have had enough they generally do not lose. But winning or losing is not the issue. The issue is What Do Women Want and do men want? Both want equality, but equality by force, manipulation, dictatorial tactics, or lying never permanently endure.

I'm not advocating antagonistic behavior, I'm only saying that this is the logical conclusion because human beings (male and female) were not made to be dominated or enslaved by anyone. Sooner or later they will fight for their rights or freedom.
By the way, that marriage of mine lasted 7 years but we only lived together 1.5 years. Strange and dysfunctional would be a compliment. I wish her the best but I am eternally grateful to be out of that relationship and am pursuing my life's passion.

Finally: I have some people who follow my writings and think that I'm not a Christian or a professional because I use the word ass once in a while in my writings. All I can say is; the bubble must be a wonderful place to live. I deal with realities, not fantasies. I deal with the world the way it is, not the way one wishes it to be. Jesus and I go into the swamp that is filled excrement and human waste to rescue people, not to Ivory towers of isolation and insulation.


Office for National Statistics, National Records of Scotland, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. (2013). UK men. Retrieved from

I’m not a professional counselor yet and so none of what I say or write should be construed as counseling or therapy. I’m posting as a pastor with some experience in pastoral counseling and as a Graduate Student in a professional counseling program who also has a B.S. in Psychology.
If you are having issues with your body image, or other mental health issues, I suggest seeking the services of a professional therapist.*

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